Friday, March 14, 2025

Veterans of the armed forces of the United States share a unique experience bond that transcends anything you can ever find in civilian life. The desire to experience the same esprit de corps continues long after our military service has ended. That is why we built this special place, VetPals, for veterans to come and interact with others who truly understand and relate to their military experiences. Not everyone went to war for sure, but every veteran did experience being part of the most powerful military force the world has ever known! That memory and experience never goes away! VetPals was built by Veterans for Veterans.  And best of all, other veteran locators can cost over $100 yearly for membership!  Join today at VetPals for FREE. 

Why VetPals?

Historically, the word "pals" really began to catch on around 1900. Simply put, it means "friends" or "buddies." The use of the term "pals" was very popular among service members during World War II. Big data tells us that the popularity of "pals" hit an all time peak around 2010 though its still in an uptrend today. We felt that "VetPals" adequately described our wishes for this service. We hope that Veterans find old and new pals via our efforts. We will help you reconnect with those you served with and provide a new means for you to meet other Veterans. And best of all, in an information overloaded society even we can remember the address for VetPals is just reversed with the dot Pals.Vet!

We get it and we are proud to serve you!

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